Here's a new piece I will be showing in a group show called Encyclopedia Botanica at Arch Enemy Arts in Philadelphia.

The Process:

Here's the original idea when it struck while I was at a bar, remembering a dream I had of wading through piles of flower heads.  I realized this was an image I really wanted to paint, and that it is kind of ridiculous that I haven't been painting my dreams more often all along.  I told my boyfriend (fellow painter Anthony Palumbo) and he said "The best artists are the ones who make you dream bigger."  A moment of intense inspiration... I felt like maybe I could make paintings that could do that, or in any case it's what I should be trying to do.

Next step: I did some tiny value studies on toned paper.

Here's my contribution to an anthology being put together by Trickster, called Childhood Heroes.

Here are all of my Gotrek and Felix paintings for Warhammer Black Library, together :)

Here's an Angel Token I did for MtG: Innistrad.

Some of my Magic cards have been released.  This set's all about vampires and horror; I got to paint a lot of blood!  And also pretty people.

I went to Art Out Loud in NYC this weekend, and it was so much fun.

I'll be appearing at Renovation (Worldcon in Reno) showing my work and giving a few talks and panels; if any of you followers are going, check your programs for my name :)

A little further along. I made some changes to the of Robb and Jaime to give their gestures a bit more force. I'm using lots of separate reference images cobbled together for armor pieces from different angles... Need to shoot some pictures for that cape soon.

A personal piece. I stated this thing a long time ago and finally had some time to pull it back out. Robb Stark vs. Jaime Lannister, from A Game of Thrones by George R. R. Martin. This one is going to be ongoing for some time longer, methinks.

Here's a cover/pinup for my short comic Casseopeia.
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Philadelphia, PA, United States
Winona Nelson is a freelance illustrator and concept artist.
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